+ What is Guided visualisation?

Used correctly, 'guided visualisation' can be as powerful as a real life exoerience. We can therefore use it to greatly benefit us and rapidly (compared to other treatments)create positive change. In a relaxed state, we effectively imagine how we act and react in different situations that you want to see a benefit in.

+ Can I do that myself?

You sure can, and Richard will explain exactly how to do it. Guided visualisation is more powerful though, and self visualisation is best used to reinforce the guided version.

+ Is hypnotherapy an option?

Richard is a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist and can offer hypnotherapy which can positively assist with many and varied conditions that are linked to the conscious and subconscious mind.
I recommend you watch the BBC investigative documentary on hypnotherapy available free on YouTube called The Science of Hypnosis

+ How many sessions will I need?

Most clients need between one and four session. Typically, if more than one is required, they are spaced out at one or two week intervals, but this can be altered to suit.