What we do?
We listen to what you want, and then create a plan, and then action it to make it happen.
We explain how your mind/body connection works and how to understand and utilise and work with it, to assist you in creating the change that you require.
Richard has been on a multitude of courses in counselling and therapy with world class providers, and has then customised that learning to create positive change for his clients where many other therapists have failed. This includes courses in anxiety, depression, addiction, pain, trauma, ptsd and couples counselling (specialising in assisting you both to get through an ‘emotional affair’).
He is also trained in multiple techniques (including ‘Havening'), and can change the undesirable thoughts and feelings that you may have, as well as being able to reduce, or even cancelling out chronic and unwanted pain (which can often be linked to trauma).
Richard has many techniques that actually work.
The aim is to assist you in finding meaningful alternatives to your present unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving, and to help you in creating the change you require.
What will you experience?
Richard will fully explain in an easy to understand format, how your mind, body and nervous system works, and what you can do to change and influence it, so it works for you instead of against you.
He will give you techniques that work and explain why and how they work.
He is also trained in neuro-linguistic programming and clinical hypnotherapy and can offer a multitude of techniques to create and assist with positive change.